

目を閉じて一口食べると、とても幸せな気持ちになり、普段の疲れやストレスが吹き飛ぶ。 そんな商品を1つ1つ愛情を込めて丁寧にお作りしております。是非ご賞味下さい。

Lovingly one by one

When you close your eyes and eat a bite, you will feel very happy, and we will lovingly and carefully make each product that will blow away your usual fatigue and stress. Please appreciate it.

Lovingly one by one

When you close your eyes and eat a bite, you will feel very happy, and we will lovingly and carefully make each product that will blow away your usual fatigue and stress. Please appreciate it.

Today's sky is very blue and no clouds !

To have more fun

We make products that make people who eat and receive smiles by trial and error every day, and prepare products that are memorable. For customers who have become fans, we also teach them how to enjoy delicious food and how to serve it as it appears in restaurants.

Today's sky is very blue and no clouds !


食べた人や貰った人が笑顔になるような商品を、日々試行錯誤しながら作り、記憶に残る商品をご用意しております。 ファンになっていただけたお客様には、美味しいお召し上がり方やレストランで出てくるような盛り付け方もシェアさせて頂いております。

To have more fun

We make products that make people who eat and receive smiles by trial and error every day, and prepare products that are memorable. For customers who have become fans, we also teach them how to enjoy delicious food and how to serve it as it appears in restaurants.

The chef is a French cook

Please enjoy a variety of sweets produced by the owner who was a French chef who is particular about the ingredients with your family.

Today's sky is very blue and no clouds !


素材にとことんこだわりフレンチの料理人だっ たオーナーが作り出すお菓子の数々を、ご家族 でお召し上がりください。

The chef is a French cook

Please enjoy a variety of sweets produced by the owner who was a French chef who is particular about the ingredients with your family.

数量限定 本物の味


Limited quantity genuine taste

We take the time and effort to make each one carefully, so the number of products we can produce in a day is limited, but please enjoy the real taste. We are looking forward to your order.

Limited quantity genuine taste

We take the time and effort to make each one carefully, so the number of products we can produce in a day is limited, but please enjoy the real taste. We are looking forward to your order.

Today's sky is very blue and no clouds !











フレンチ料理人としての経験があるシェフが手掛け る、別添えのオリジナルソース。

冷やす温めるなどして使用したり、アイスクリームを 添えたり、テリーヌを少し温めてフォンダンショコ ラのようにしたり…。




営業時間 24時間営業 定休日